
Fadumo Siciid


My ultimate goal is to inspire and mentor the next generation, breaking through societal barriers and leaving a lasting, positive legacy marked by the footprints of our contributions. We strive to instill pride and a sense of possibility in our descendants, knowing that our work today will shape a brighter tomorrow.”

I will walk my path, leaving footprints in the sand, that my life, may be the light in someone’s path.

fatima Saeed


Resilience and Determination: Fatima’s experiences, including facing racism and participating in civil conflict, have instilled in her a resilient spirit and determination to contribute positively to her community and country. Despite the challenges she has faced, Fatima remains unwavering in her commitment to making a difference.

Family and Community: Fatima has worked tirelessly to support family reunions and extended families within her community, underscoring the importance of strong family bonds and community cohesion. She understands the significance of a supportive network and actively fosters a sense of belonging and unity.

Global Engagement: Fatima has actively engaged in international efforts, including working with the UN and contributing to the rebuilding of her home country. She recognizes the interconnectedness of the world and believes in the power of collaboration and cooperation to address global challenges.

Inspiring the Next Generation: Fatima’s primary goal is to inspire and mentor young people, encouraging them to believe that they can achieve anything they set their minds to, regardless of their background. Through her words and actions, she instills confidence and motivation in the next generation.

Breaking Glass Ceilings: Fatima aims to break societal barriers and inspire others to reach the highest levels of success, demonstrating that nothing is impossible. She challenges traditional norms and stereotypes, paving the way for others to follow in her footsteps.

Values are like fingerprints, You leave them everywhere you go.


Honesty: Fatima firmly believes in the fundamental importance of honesty in all aspects of life. She understands that honesty builds trust and fosters healthy relationships. For example, in her professional career, Fatima has always been transparent and truthful, earning the respect and admiration of her colleagues and superiors.

Hard Work: Fatima values hard work and recognizes that dedication and effort are essential for achieving one’s goals. Throughout her life, she has demonstrated an unparalleled work ethic, consistently going above and beyond to accomplish her objectives. Her perseverance and determination have been instrumental in her success.

Women’s Rights: Fatima is a passionate advocate for women’s rights, emphasizing gender equality and empowering women to have the same opportunities as men. She has actively participated in organizations and initiatives that promote women’s rights, fighting against discrimination and advocating for equal representation in all spheres of life.

Individual Potential: Fatima firmly believes that every person possesses untapped potential, comparing it to a “little dynamite” waiting to be unleashed with the right guidance. She has dedicated her time and resources to mentor and inspire young individuals, helping them discover their talents and encouraging them to pursue their dreams.

Equality and Inclusivity: Fatima firmly believes that everyone, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or gender, has the right to pursue their dreams without discrimination. She has actively worked towards creating inclusive environments and breaking down barriers that hinder individuals from reaching their full potential.

Continued Growth: Fatima sees life as an ongoing journey filled with opportunities for personal growth and achievement. She constantly seeks new challenges and experiences, pushing herself to learn and develop in various aspects of her life.